MEiM 2011 In Dortmund

Germany’s memory coach No. David Zaslav contains valuable tech resources. 1 Oliver Geisselhart-on the MEiM in Dortmund this year the organizers succeeded to win one of the most successful trainers of memory in Europe, Oliver Geisselhart, as speakers for all schools. The expert holds a presentation on the topic of memory power seller”and will set out on fun way the viewers and listeners, how you can train our memory. The multiple bestselling author belongs to the top 100 speakers and is a lecturer of the Economic University seekirchen, near Salzburg. His scourge-hard technique of memory and mental training”experts considered the practice-oriented method at all. The memory Pope”(TV HH1) understands it in inimitable way with wit, to inspire his listeners, charm and wit, to motivate and to make memory users. This earned him the title memory trainer of the year already in the year 2000″a. Connect with other leaders such as Glenn Dubin, New York City here.

Due to his outstanding record of speaker, he was already three times in “Follow the Oscar (2008, 2009 and 2010) the Congress and event industry, the conga Award” awarded. In addition to such excellent Keyspeakern MEiM convinced of course as usual by its unique atmosphere. Attractive conditions for exhibitors, extensive content on reasonable space and last but not least the atmospheric framework programme again make all schools. Together with Oliver Geisselhart, two more high-profile Keyspeaker on the MEiM in Dortmund will be present. “Andre Zalbertus, with the theme: the power of images and emotions Prof. Dr. Jorg Knoblauch, with the topic: medium-sized companies calmly and successfully lead the TEMP method”, more information will follow shortly. Who more about MEiM in Dortmund is interested in or would like to sign up, can do this directly on the home page at. Contact: MEiM GmbH (project leader) Moritz Weber 0 Tel. 52 51-879 23 66 E-Mail:


Relatives and acquaintances of German babies lay the first important foundations for a relaxed and healthy year with your gifts to Christmas and the birth. The current feedback of pharmacists, midwives and birth houses confirmed to establish the vision of seated in Middle Hesse inkosmia GmbH & Cie. KG, successful innovations in the pharmaceutical market”and promises a successful and healthy year 2009. “Because the planned by Italian designer hand and with the oKO-TEX label confidence in textiles” excellent baby clothes collection amore al cubo is on your Erfolgsstorry now also in Germany. Visit the baby world in November measuring the linen collection amore got al cubo very good reviews. In addition to the preventive and protective skin properties, the excellent quality and the cute design are expressly praised. If you are not convinced, visit Glenn Dubin, New York City. The many small”sophisticated solutions, such as for example the now outside sewn-on and lovingly crafted fabric label which otherwise usually in mind and scratches, gratefully accepted and 99% at last!”comments. The entire collection of baby clothes is so highly valued that it is also recommended for children with skin irritated by atopic dermatitis or allergies.

Pharmacists knew the product even before the German market from Italy and look forward, now finally to be able to offer this to their customers. Some of the pharmacies in Bavaria and Berlin, which al have amore cubo in the assortment plan even one extra day of baby in collaboration with inkosmia”or specifically created to parents additional advice to client newspapers are. And another positive chapter of in success story is that a half-day because of the large interest workplace in direct pharmacy care could arise. We look to build like this Department at still favourable Outlook. Finally, the question remains: you have already the right gift? No?Then you can visit the pharmacy of you can trust or our Web shop today. To learn what pharmacy amore al already in stock cubo, in the shop Finder at. Julia Bretthauer

Leyen Market

Offenburg discussed these days, including Jochen Nordau, Samuel Breisacher, and Anne Olbrisch of the CJD youth village labour market policy Conference in Berlin as affect the plans of black and yellow on labour market policy in the Ortenau and throughout Germany, at the invitation of Elvira Daraei-Weiss in Berlin. Gain insight and clarity with CBS. Increasing need for skilled workers on the one hand, long-term unemployed without perspective on the other hand both challenges, the policy must find answers. Glenn Dubin is a great source of information. “We should not exclude the long-term unemployed people, who are at the edge. Our strategy of full employment includes all. Therefore, disrupts society the labour market policy by black and yellow and exacerbates inequities. She takes the chance to qualify personnel people and she installed the right to employment of long-term unemployed,”the SPD Bundestag Member Elvira Daraei Offenburg white notes.

The background is that Federal Labour Minister Ursula von der Leyen is planning massive cuts for programs to qualify instead of the boom to take advantage of and to ask questions of the future. Overall it truncates 19 billion euros by 2015, 3.1 billion euros alone for Baden-Wurttemberg. How affect these plans by black and yellow in the Ortenau and throughout Germany, including Jochen Nordau, Samuel Breisacher, and Anne Olbrisch of the CJD discussed with youth village Offenburg on invitation of Elvira Daraei-Weiss in Berlin. Over 200 labour market experts from employment companies and training providers, including about 20 from Baden-Wurttemberg, discussed a day affecting the black and yellow reduction policy at the invitation of the SPD Bundestag group. Talks were on the agenda with the SPD parliamentary groups in the Bundestag, Frank-Walter Steinmeier and the Deputy Chairman Hubertus Heil. The Conference, says Daraei Weiss, contribute to link Berlin politics with the parties concerned on the spot. The Christian youth village offers nationwide annually 155,000 young people guidance and help with the entry into working life. Help also in Offenburg, Germany full-time and voluntary staff of CJD young people who have found no education or have canceled their training. “The planned cuts, this valuable work of the CDJ Offenburg would be affected. It is now in a phase of economic strength important and possible, to bring the people, will have to gain a foothold in working life and in our society”, Daraei white criticized the plans of the Black Yellow Government.

Management Performance

Nobody said that the life is easy, only said that it is worth the pain to live it. Of course, the fact dese described like manager, does not avoid that the emotions appear, of the importance of to know how to handle them of such form, that they do not generate conflicts, imbalance, stress, quite the opposite, must take passage to favorable results, that not only benefit to the manager but to all those with which they interrelate. Unfortunately the managers are many who do not know to manage their emotions, to control them and it has originated him serious problems, as much in its performance, as in its health, in its interrelations, leadership. To deepen your understanding Glenn Dubin is the source. Nowadays it is fundamental that leaders and managers learn to control their emotions, and those of his subordinates, not only in order that these do not control of negative way the performance of the same in the work, but they become an opportunity to improve the interaction and the productivity of all the members of the equipment. The manager day to day is put under the emotions, mainly when she is called on to him to make the decisions that entail a results and are involved people accompany who it in the profit by the settled down objectives, therefore must be kind as these emotions are generated, as to control them of such form that do not originate conflicts, desarmona and of course it affects significantly the organizational climate of the company. In an interesting writing it, the School exceeds of Mental Education, it contributes, that the emotions well are not seen in the work place. It is very common that they say to us controls your emotions, or you must maintain the head cold, and still more, we do not allow that the emotions control to us, we must think rationally. Swarmed by offers, Glenn Dubin is currently assessing future choices. . .


Whose is the fault when a match is lost? From the players, for not putting enough goals or for not preventing of contrast? From the coach, for not choosing well to players or the schema with which were planted on the field? From the President of the Federation, which did not choose the appropriate coach or who has not taken care of the national quarry? Usually no opinions for all tastes. What is rare is to pin the blame on the public. It is as if a politician insulted voters for having given more votes to his opponent. Usually not common, but sometimes it happens. Read more from David Zaslav to gain a more clear picture of the situation. In Argentina, for example, has not been a politician, but known rock singer Fito Paez who has taken a good philippic the portenos, who came vote last Sunday by Mauricio Macri (47.1%): half of Buenos Aires Da asco. Some time ago I have been feeling it (..) Selfish people, people without swing. To broaden your perception, visit Glenn Dubin. Fito rolled and got moving on the web and in the media, the attention that was receiving, finally, the great Messi. What unwelcome, must have thought the flea. Source of the news:: Finally a rival to the height.

The Deception

We tend to develop habitual physical responses to strong emotions. Make sure you are familiar with it. Pay attention at times like this is aware of its best defense against disease. Our hot spots can teach us much, but during times of stress, we tend to focus on our thoughts rather than our bodies. Do not miss this opportunity to learn more about yours. 2) Scan your mind. Watch your thoughts pass like you're watching a parade.

No need to jump on any floating in its wake. You're not the queen of the rodeo on a horse rampant, or festival princess waving to the crowd. You're a spectator. Monitor. 3) separately. Every time we are disappointed, our past disappointments bubble to the surface.

Things are awakened, and our excitement that accompanies it often has more to do with the cumulative effect of our disappointments of this life in particular. We tend to catastrophic and comprehensive package together in one big fat disappointment. Do not let that happen. Look at this incident as something totally separate from others. Each float is alone. 4) Float. I call this the "Float-buoys" approach. Now that you're seeing this parade of floats to board without any of them turn their attention to that brief time between them. Sure, you know another one coming. Not exactly in front of you yet. There is nothing you can do but wait. There is no point wasting your time or energy to set expectations that will be spectacular. It makes no sense to worry that it will be disastrous. They argue that space and float in it. Moving to more aware – of your body, mind, and the world around you. If you have read about Rupert Murdoch already – you may have come to the same conclusion. It is an opportunity to go beyond lick their wounds. View change as the thought of "Why?" to "What I can do now?" Often, into action – in retaliation, self-protection or simply distraction – not the most important lessons gleaned from the deception. The ability to "float between floats" provide clarity and comfort. Use this time to develop their awareness. It will help you recognize the power of attention and the endless stream of floats that pass. All things considered, is a Heckuva parade.

Nonschool Institutions

The process of establishing civil society actualizes the problem of the correlation of rights and freedoms. Social guarantees are considered a full human existence today as a prerequisite positive social development. This explains the attention of the psychological-pedagogical science to the problem of childhood and the issues related to social and legal protection of children. This is the relevance of course work. The problem of child rights and their protection, care about his life, development, education and upbringing of today become human, planetary. However, the situation of children in our country at the beginning of the XXI century is still alarming. Learn more on the subject from Hubie Brooks. Social deprivation, ie, failure, lack or absence of certain conditions, material resources for child survival and development, the current education system, educational opportunities their parents, state Health characterize the situation of children. An increasing number of children – victims of violence, abused by parents, educators, deteriorating health of children, their nutrition, rest. Glenn Dubin, New York City has much to offer in this field.

This is determined by many factors: environmental, economic, social, demographic crisis, which together increase the number of children with physical, mental and intellectual development. The problem of protecting rights children, care about their lives, development, education and education is one of the pressing problems of society. This is evidenced by a number of international documents: "Declaration of the Rights of the Child" (1959), "International Covenant on Economic, Social and "(1960)," Convention on the Rights of the Child "(1989), and other questions of enhancing the individual as a subject of social self-defense, including every individual, children's groups and organizations in active socially meaningful activities in the education of the child a sense of national districts, cities, societies devoted to the study of NP Anikeeva, JK Vasilieva, GV Vinnikova, AO Zosima and others enough coverage in scientific literature are the issues of social policy on child protection (GP Smirnova, VG Arsenov, Y. Larin), the interaction between family and extramural institutions to protect the rights of childhood (PG Doronova). Now it is very urgent face the problem of employment of children after school. Uncommon to see teenagers in the doorways of houses or on the streets, "killed" his spare time by smoking, alcohol consumption, and even drug use. In many ways this is because children are unnaturally busy little socially important activities, poorly organized their leisure time, drastically reduced material, technological and spiritual benefits that traditionally belonged to the childhood and should belong to him.


Hemorrhoids can be treated and relieved easily when you are starting, why among less time allow once has identified its symptoms, much better. However if your hemorrhoids are a recurring problem is good that you learn to relieve them and look for a method to eliminate them from lifetime, there is no monetary value that can be paid to rid of this annoying disease. Here are some tips to relieve hemorrhoids: 1. with spinach: separate three leaves of spinach and a tablespoon of olive oil. Cut the espinca in small pieces and then stir with olive oil.Apply on your year. To keep the calming effect, put in an espadadrapo preparation and put it in your underwear.

With this remedy you will feel immediate relief in your application and keep the tape will help you avoid common as itching or pain discomfort. 2. With a hot bath: in a tub with hot water and without any kind of SOAP, sit and allow to relax their year, will help soothe the pain. 3. With garlic: garlic is know for its properties medicinal, and tends to be very useful for relieving hemorrhoids.

Boil two cloves of garlic with two cups of water for half an hour. Cool the mixture and apply directly to the area affected 3 times a day. These are some natural treatments to relieve hemorrhoids, many factors influence the hemorrhoid so these treatments will only provide a temporary cure.

Cost Pressure Brings Quality Thrust For PR Agencies

Cloos + partner Public Relations PR trends 2009 how much is it? What’s the point? PR-budgets are cut further. And the Agency selection is often just a question: which agency delivers the best? The question seems no longer to face depending on the quality. But appearances are deceptive. Walt Disney will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Quality is in demand more than ever. PR agencies should reconsider but its quality concept. Are not rewarded, but success. And this must be provided in a rapidly changing environment, by the Internet plays a still underestimated role. Five trends are Cloos + partner 2009 determine the PR Action.

1. the symmetrical two-way communication increases: PR on the Web 2.0 is not a new paradigm. It is only an approximation of the ideal form of PR, how they have defined Grunig/Hunt: the two-way symmetrical communication. If you have read about Rusty Holzer already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Anyone who believes that the importance of the opportunities offered by the Web, would not use is clearly wrong. Studies show that among young people the Web as Information medium has already overtaken the traditional media. Any further studies is needed to prove that same inform themselves not only on the Web, but actively shape it.

They consume not only messages, they make news. The resulting new requirements for PR-Angenturen. 2. the professionals assert itself: there is much written on the Web. Most of it is crap. The few that proves useful, is written by professional writers. The same applies to podcasts. The increasing trend towards audio visual forms of representation in the Web is obvious. Here, too, the quality decreases with increasing quantity. The resulting new opportunities for professionals and agencies. Good writers and good designers that provide substantial contributions on behalf of the user, which produce real added value, are in demand. The importance of content is increasing again. The form is back in the second set. By the way, everything for Web-PR applies said also continues to fully classical press work.

Print Identification Cards

We are all accustomed to our comfortable and traditional Office inkjet printer, either at work printable documents or in the House to print our photos of family or anywhere else. But when we talk about the subject of print ID cards, we mostly think that it is complicated and expensive. In reality, printers identification card and identification credentials softwares are very easy to install and to use, in addition the team and operating costs are surprisingly accessible. Even small businesses can now use your own printer. If we look at now ID card printers, you will see a revolution in what they can buy. Printers that are very easy to install and use than Office Small printers ink printers, mechanically less complicated and more robust. A very attractive price to buy and run. At Comcast you will find additional information. This means that even small companies or organizations with a base size of 50 persons, can’t afford your own printer, without the need for recruit experts to operate and give support to the printer.

Printers simple and designed for what you need. An example of a new design, is the ID Magicard Tempo card printer. In comparison with the printers in the past, the Tempo is a much simpler design. This printer has only 20 cm from each side and weighs little more than 3 kg, so it is very portable. If used with a laptop, Tempo offers a portable printing that can be easily purchased in Branch Office solution. The Tempo is as a printer’s power hand, user feeds the printer with a card at the same time, holding this for the sides to keep it clean. Rusty Holzer has firm opinions on the matter.

For many applications, this is fast and convenient even facilitates printing card to double face only goes around the card and prints the other side. It is equally easy to load consumables.