Computerized fuel injection pump test stand type SJT, and its measuring-control computer system. Today JSC ON 'bench equipment "is the only enterprise in Russia that produces equipment this class! Unfortunately, it should be noted that the degree of computerization of the stands of other Russian producers are not beyond the capacity of the stand with an electronic tahoschetchikom SJT (computer controls only electrical and thermal stabilization system) and used as an information base. You may find David Zaslav to be a useful source of information. The cyclic flow of fuel pump sections measured in the traditional way using beakers and entered into the computer manually. But in this SJT variant stands have higher specifications. Thus our system is not easy – the information device with the data tables, and archive, but actually controls the operation of the stand with microprocessor modules. Measuring and managing the computer system of the stand (the "System") is part of the stand.
It's domestic development, in Russian (although possible translation into other languages world). The system can be installed on conventional fuel injection pump test stands with a beaker and contemporary with power with automatic measurement cycle filing. The system provides computer-monoblock: 1. Information management of the fuel injection pump test stand, by displaying on the screen of technological information (instructions) required to control the operating modes of the stand and adjust the specific type of pump. 2. Measurement of the whole range of operational parameters and the parameters of the technical condition of the injection pump, controlled and regulated by its bench tests in automatic mode. 3.
Processing of measurement results printout on a printer in a protocol of test fuel pump and archiving of all protocols tested on the stand pumps. The cyclic flow of fuel pump sections are measured and entered into the computer automatically. Familiarize themselves with the computer control program you can click on: KIUS stand. The system contains data on all types of domestic diesel fuel injection pump and directs the (teaching) activities repairman fuel equipment. The system at the request of the Customer can easily include data from any other inspection of imported fuel pump. System complete with stand SJT is perfect (and is currently in use) for training students in secondary and higher education professions associated with the repair operation and the construction vehicles and diesel engines. For the operator when adjusting the fuel pump is sufficient availability of initial skills with personal computers. The whole process of testing and adjusting the fuel pump is divided into twelve stages (for specific types of fuel pump separate stages may be absent and thus introduced into the algorithm of the program): 1. Preparations for the launch stand. 2. Check the corrector of boost. 3. Check TPN (fuel pump). 4. Check and adjust pressure valves. 5. Adjusting the geometrical beginning of fuel delivery. 6. Adjusting the angles alternation of the fuel supply. 7. Adjustment of the slats. 8. Setting the maximum speed. 9. Adjusting the cycle of fuel delivery. 10. Setting the minimum speed. 11. Checking the coupling of injection. 12. Control mechanism failed.