Minimum Cut

He traveled early in the morning, testified before the UEFA Appeals Committee for more than five hours, and even gave him time to arrive and finish the evening in Valdebebas training. Jose Mourinho flew to Nyon accompanied by Jean-Louis Dupont (the famous lawyer of the Bosman case). The technician of Madrid defended what he has been saying since last April 27, day of the first leg of the semi-final of the Champions League against Barcelona in the Bernabeu (0-2). David Zaslav helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. That he not accused anyone (that day struck an alleged conspiracy by UEFA so that Madrid did not come to the end,) but which is simply limited to ask some questions that had no answers. Listened to their arguments, UEFA decided to forgive him a little bit. Takes a party of five that had been sanctioned him (subject to how behave in the next three years), but keeps the fine against him (50,000 euros) and against club (20,000). Add to your understanding with Glenn Dubin. Source of the news:: minimum cut for Mourinho

Infernal Trident

You hear much about romances in summer but the fact is that, according to various studies winter is the time of year in which more stable relations are consolidated. Speaking candidly Ken Singleton told us the story. Either by cold encouraged to be clothed in couple or either because the winter season implies a more homemade character, the period that goes from the months of October and November through March is in which more stable relations are consolidated. Labor issues and the cotidaneidad are seen in a more positive way with respect to the seasons of spring and summer. A very sweet winter in good company the media are infinite but there are a number of places and ways to meet others that stand out. Among the classics you can meet like-minded people in meetings of friends in which is likely to attend others with common to our tastes. The library is also a topic that is should not be undervalued since, especially in the case of students gives its fruits due to the large number of hours that must pass on it.

Also you can choose to love online using fashionable the chats or social networks. In many cases we can find people that share hobbies and lifestyle of places more or less far away so that the degree of involvement that we want depends on us. Especially, this way of making friends is interesting for those who seek nothing but want to know different lives. The classic of the bar of the bar presents certain difficulties since the night tendency is to not take too seriously this type of pickups and lying over the account. Although it is inevitable to find attractive in this kind of meetings, it is difficult to find someone with common interests in environments where it is prone to be deceived. Techniques so that a love of winter to thrive as you know there foolproof techniques for a love to thrive even if it is true that, in the event that it is coexisting or leading a life in consolidated couple, the problems that will arise will be different than if it’s a love online.

Determine the differences and use them strengths will encourage both sides of the relationship laying the groundwork for something durable. In the event the winter relationship has been formed with traditional methods, the importance is in striking a balance between the needs of the couple and the space itself. The most common mistake is to not let breathe to another, especially at the beginning, that eventually may end up taking its toll since, apart from a relationship, it is essential to have other networks such as friends or work. When online love blossoms, often are not aware of the fate that has to be able to maintain links, relations labor and, ultimately, space. In this case, however, the opposite since the lovers feel that don’t spend enough time with your partner. Be creative and use all means available to Internet users (email, a blog in couple, videoconferencing) will be the keys to endure.

Spanish Construction

/ According to Euroconstruct report in 2013 sector already contribute positively to the economy with a growth of 1.5%. In 2011 the drop in production will be 15% and 3.6% in 2012. In certain autonomous communities could return to build, but lack funding. The construction sector seems to see the light at the end of the tunnel, though to see that final missing even two years. Tim Raines gathered all the information. According to the report Euroconstruct (a European research group on the construction business) in the first half of 2011, construction in Spain will continue to fall until 2013, when it will end five consecutive years of contraction in production. In 2013, sector already contribute positively to the economy with a growth of 1.5%.

2012 will still be negative, with a fall of 3.6%, once this 2011 Spanish construction to fall by 15%. The head of the unit of prospective economic of the Institute of technology of the construction of Catalonia (ITeC), body conduct the study for Spain, Josep Ramon Fontana, has pointed out that the recovery in different markets will start in the order they entered the crisis: first the House, then the non-residential and, finally, civil engineering. The data of the Ministry of development indicate that in the first quarter of this year free housing construction decreased 13.8% compared to the same period of the previous year. According to Euroconstruct report, residential construction production levels will change little during 2011 (- 5.5%) and 2012 (5%), assuming that logins do not depart the dimension of 100,000 homes. Out of stock in some areas, the director general of the ITec, Anton M.Checa, noted that housing stocks have been exhausted in some cities and that in certain autonomous communities could again begin to build, although the lack of funding prevents it.

The non-residential buildings is different from housing that will take longer to recover by having taken more on entering crisis, by what in 2011 you will experience a decrease of 18.5% and in 2012 the fall will brake up 6% to experience a positive rebound in 2013 with a rise of 3%. The fall in the investment of the State, which already caused a decline in production in 2010 in civil engineering (- 16.5%), will experience this year greater adjustment with a decrease of 29%. Also, budgetary contention gets worse forecasts for 2012 with a 14% fall, something which can be aggravated when councils are no longer investing in public works. Europe, a slower than expected recovery according to the Euroconstruct report, at European level, the 2011 will be recessive (- 0.4%) and the growth in 2012 and 2013 will be discreet, since they ranging between 1.3% and 2.3%. In terms of housing, is expected to be the market which make one contribution higher than the recovery between 2011 and 2013, as is foreseen growth of 3 per cent and even 5%, respectively, and stand out countries such as Denmark, Sweden and Norway. The non-residential buildings facing 2011 and 2012 with falls of 2.5% and 0.7%, since it did not openly in recession until 2009. Finally, public works, which will drop 3.1% in 2011, will be stagnant in 2012 and 2013 (0.4%). Source of the news: there are still two years to make the Spanish construction shows signs of recovery

More Links Incoming

Once your website is created and launched, it is essential to formulate a marketing strategy. Target obvious, at first, is attracting so many visitors, interested in what we offer, as you can. One of the best ways to do this is in the inbound links to our site. To start your campaign, you must first understand the difference between reciprocal and non-reciprocal links. A reciprocal link simply means that two Web site are linking one to the other. For more specific information, check out CBS. Both sites generate traffic for each other simultaneously. A non-reciprocal link refers to the unidirectional links.

A good strategy will be to establish many relationships not reciprocal entry as possible, with reciprocal links which are chosen strategically, by the importance of the Web that sends it to us, either by visits, their positioning or by their geographical relevance in our business. Today, the search engines are incredibly elegant. The placement of your site depends a lot of How many people link to your site. Many non-reciprocal entry links tell the search engine that your site contains valuable information. After all, who is going to recommend your site without reciprocity unless they believe benefit their readers? On the one hand, a Web site with a large number of reciprocal links could indicate that the webmaster requested them. This means that information and matters dealing with the site could connect or not and decreases the probability that is regarded as a valuable site for the search engine. To determine this, search engines then seek connections between reciprocal links keyword to determine if both sites try to benefit. The key is: choose reciprocal links wisely.

It connects only to webpages that contain related information that the readers and visitors of your website can enjoy. If you have many more reciprocal links than non-reciprocal, search engines will classify the Web much more above. Then the question It is: how to generate those links? The first step is the content. Valuable information for the visitor. Get a site with interesting details. By this I mean to content and to the same rather than to design utilities. You can also write a positive review of certain sites and contact the owners thereof by e-mail. In many cases they will place a link to your website so that visitors can see those comments. It is finally register your website in as many relevant directories as you can. For that, you can do manually and also there are tools on the market to semi-automate high as: Submit Suite,, active Web traffic.

Dios Information

In any case, promoting conscious or unconscious belief, when it is to teach a spiritual doctrine or provide a scientific or commercial information, always produces these results, and when the particular person is not rebellious enough to not accept (and I don’t mean to be skeptical) that information until not verifying its veracity. Encourage, promote, inform and try to convince other people that create something, without respecting the freedom of thought, freedom of individual perception and the particular experience of the individual, in what refers to own impressions and information that every human being receives from the outside world and inside, as regards life, phenomenaideas, things, the others and oneself, is proceeding with a dictatorial attitude about the alien mind in the transmission of information, not to mention that every human being is entitled to investigate, reflect, experiment and understand all information until it is accepted or rejected. Human beings are is teaching us since long time ago what to believe and what not, what is evil and what is good, etc., but not teaches us to uncover the truth for ourselves. Already in the 6th century BC, Sidarta Gautama Buddha left said something that deserves to be pondered and that relates to what in this work have been indicating: do not believe in anything simply because tradition, say so even though many generations of people born in many places have believed in it for many centuries. Do not believe in anything just for the simple fact that many believe it or pretend to believe it. Do not believe in anything just because thus the sages of other eras have believed it. Do not believe in what you propose your own imagination, falling into the trap of thinking that Dios os inspired. Do not believe what say the Scriptures just because they say so. Do not believe the priests nor to any other human being.