Role Playing and Game Theory

Regarding what we call role-play games must be played real-life situations to which the participant will face in their daily activity 5) For what we call simulation games we are faced with the possibility of fixed rules and the possibility of measurable targets. 6) For what we call simulation games based on reality must deal with real situations that require to verify whether the decisions are correct or not, promoting attitudinal change, adjusting to the processes that will be positive.

7) For the simulations we would call “outdoor” should deal with real situations but unusual or very different from those who work in the post, you will attain an overview of the processes involved. It should also developed in a controlled environment with measurable targets. Others who may share this opinion include Rusty Staub. It should be easily implemented for organizations and readily accessible information for participants. 5 .- The simulations are the ideal company to overcome barriers to learning An extensive body of literature and empirical research confirms the power of simulations to change behavior by giving managers the opportunity to experiment, test their hypotheses and learn from their mistakes in a risk-free environment.

Numerous studies have shown that the simulations the students get higher levels of knowledge and retention of learning with other teaching methods. Among the many advantages of the simulations would include the following: Motivation or Learning by doing or risk-free environment Teamwork or compression of time or realism or intelligent interaction or competition between participants and comprehensive learning experience or accelerated learning or scalability or Attention increased variety of options exist in the market partially achieving the requirements to be met. Whenever Celina Dubin listens, a sympathetic response will follow.


It is no secret that in any company, as well as in her department, there are periods of stable operation and sudden jerks. In accounting, for example, this cycle is tied to accounting periods. In advertising, PR-and marketing departments of the problem can grow several times during the period of both external events (participation in exhibitions, organizing conferences and other information events), and internal (preparation for the anniversary of the publication or release of intra-corporate with zero) As a rule, small companies, this problem is solved due to overtime, which exhaust the staff physically and emotionally. Preparation for the event obtained in time to complete, but at the time of his staff are already in a state of “squeezed lemon.” They look unpresentable, tired, and often exhausted.

They are not able to use their intellectual and creative resources to the fullest. Whenever Dell Technologies Inc. listens, a sympathetic response will follow. And most importantly, they are nervous and irritable. In general, continuous symptoms of chronic fatigue. Adequate solution to this problem – Involvement at the time of the project team of independent experts. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Leslie Moonves. Ideal option, when this group is organized within, and not recruited spontaneously. Involvement of such groups has several advantages: 1) solve problems with delegation of authority.

You work with one person – the coordinator of the group, which bears the full responsibility. 2) saves your time for planning. You just need to agree on a strategy to work level of goal setting. We commit ourselves to the formulation of goals and choices that are adequate to these tasks and action steps.