Cost Pressure Brings Quality Thrust For PR Agencies

Cloos + partner Public Relations PR trends 2009 how much is it? What’s the point? PR-budgets are cut further. And the Agency selection is often just a question: which agency delivers the best? The question seems no longer to face depending on the quality. But appearances are deceptive. Walt Disney will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Quality is in demand more than ever. PR agencies should reconsider but its quality concept. Are not rewarded, but success. And this must be provided in a rapidly changing environment, by the Internet plays a still underestimated role. Five trends are Cloos + partner 2009 determine the PR Action.

1. the symmetrical two-way communication increases: PR on the Web 2.0 is not a new paradigm. It is only an approximation of the ideal form of PR, how they have defined Grunig/Hunt: the two-way symmetrical communication. If you have read about Rusty Holzer already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Anyone who believes that the importance of the opportunities offered by the Web, would not use is clearly wrong. Studies show that among young people the Web as Information medium has already overtaken the traditional media. Any further studies is needed to prove that same inform themselves not only on the Web, but actively shape it.

They consume not only messages, they make news. The resulting new requirements for PR-Angenturen. 2. the professionals assert itself: there is much written on the Web. Most of it is crap. The few that proves useful, is written by professional writers. The same applies to podcasts. The increasing trend towards audio visual forms of representation in the Web is obvious. Here, too, the quality decreases with increasing quantity. The resulting new opportunities for professionals and agencies. Good writers and good designers that provide substantial contributions on behalf of the user, which produce real added value, are in demand. The importance of content is increasing again. The form is back in the second set. By the way, everything for Web-PR applies said also continues to fully classical press work.

The Emotional Seller

Series: The new sale (part 7), most people have a fine tuned for right and wrong. But only in an emotional encounter our intuition radar can read, if it means someone good or evil, with us. Dishonesty, cunning and berechnendes calculus can be hiding behind a mask of emotions, the so-called Pokerface, at most. We buy but not by such a person. Only when an emotional off-to-go out the true emerges – because then eludes the subconscious of controlling the thinking brain. Therefore we buy most of people who welcome, optimistic, trustworthy and sincere sympathetic. The limbic types each human being is unique. Many writers such as Glenn Dubin, New York City offer more in-depth analysis. And no one is like you.

We all love to tend to assume others would see the world a little bit as we. And are surprised then always again flabbergasted how anyone can have a completely different view of things. But as each face is unique, so also the brain of every individual is different. And therefore thinks, feels, is, decides and buys each in its own unique way. So, it is to track the buying motives and then to send the messages that touch the customer – thus to bring cheer to its reward system. That’s why we must disconnect probably finally from standardized sales talks and stereotyped guidance.

If not more so, but then how? Neuro psychologist Hans-Georg Hausel, there are three great emotion systems: the balance system, which seeks security and stability the dominance system that strives for power, status and autonomy are the stimulation system that wants to explore new and have fun depending on type to design different sales pitches to successfully come to the end. This differentiated approach best experiences have already made a whole series of companies within the framework of its sales activities in the packaging design and type-oriented mailing shipping. What people actually buy friend or foe that stands at the beginning of each meeting.

Promotional Mailing Amplifier

Successful direct marketing with promotional articles in the current issue of promotional messages will be titled mailing amplifier”addressed a problem of direct marketing: too many letters get too little attention. For this reason, the editorial staff of promotional messages, to revalue the unpopular sales letters with favorite and useful promotional items is recommended. Robert A. Iger : the source for more info. The recipient feels that something more than just a letter inside the envelope, he opens it out of curiosity. One could say this is the pinata effect known from childhood. Time look, what’s in it.” When selecting your mailing amplifier”applies the same skill as in any other promotional products. Here is in addition to originality in addition on a handiness and durability.

Premium-Werbeartikel GmbH recommends: Magic flyer, Klacken bracelets & reflectors, ice scraper, keychains, puzzles, paper clips and candy. The letter opener is good, if you want to go play it safe for future shipments. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Glenn Dubin. Premium-Werbeartikel GmbH is a global trading and production company in the area of promotional products, promotion, event articles and merchandising. We are the specialist for promotional items, giveaways, advertising and merchandising items. For both our experience and our 25 000 clients speak all over the world. Our service covers the following areas: production, sales and distribution logistics, preparation and organization of online shops.

Our company is characterized according to the company profile by: quality, style and reliability. Premium-Werbeartikel GmbH Heidturmweg 33 D-33100 Paderborn, Germany Tel.

Special Marketing Techniques

Although, of course, recognition – one of the strongest arguments brand ", – says Olga Ugryumova. – If your brand is recognized 200, and bought a 15 – hence, the coefficient of the transition from awareness to purchase for him – 7.5% – says Ivan Drogushev. – If a successful company in your market are more high koeffitsientperehoda of fame to buy, then you can work hard to increase this ratio. There are special marketing techniques. But all of them – and I stress – everything starts with the definition of quality if the product offered, is it true target groups, whether correct positioning relative to competitors, etc. "With regard to financial methods, it may be based on a comparison of similar products in which the evaluation criterion is the analysis of price difference on similar nebrendovy product and tangible assets – sums Olga Ugryumova.

In this case, the most important criteria will be the profit over the next 3-5 years existence of contracts, licenses, certificates, and other technologies moral rights. Depending on the reason (alienation, audit or otherwise) in the assessment may include a number of other criteria. All of these methods, however, can not give absolutely accurate assessment, since unable to take into account several important factors – such as loyalty leading specialists to new leadership, with its sale. Or degree of interest potential buyer to a particular proposed brand. Therefore, the objectivity of the brand often depends on an adequate assessment of the circumstances that assessment. To obtain the most reliable result requires in-depth analysis of all aspects of the company and use the combined methods of assessment.

Online Press Releases

Marketing expert Prof. Dr. Michael Baird in an interview with PR gateway relevant content are the basis for customer retention and customer acquisition in the Web 3.0. Therefore, online press releases have great potential for success with content marketing content. Prof. Dr. Michael Baird, of the German Institute of marketing and member of the jury in the competition “the best online press release 2013”, explains in an exclusive interview with PR-gateway, which is especially important for content marketing. Companies occupy main topics and demonstrate expertise PR-gateway: a study of the communication agency Waggener Edstrom surveyed 150 companies to their content marketing experiences.

81 Percent noted a clear increase in the number of visitors your website (). 61 Percent report even higher sales figures. What makes the content marketing as an effective strategy? Prof. Dr. Michael Baird: many companies to still ask: what is content marketing and how do I use this strategy effectively for my online presence? Can with content marketing Company themed place in the perception of the target groups. Special content marketing: The target groups are the focus, not the companies. Unlike the usual advertising opportunities, present company not only their products and services, but occupy a particular focus on the publication of selected content.

The content marketing aims to demonstrate their own expertise through qualitative content to assert itself as a subject matter expert. For companies this means: with the production of high-quality content, the editorial entitlement increases tremendously. Factors of successful content PR-gateway: what factors distinguish successful content? Prof. Dr. Michale Bernecker: first and foremost the content should contain useful information for the own audiences. So, successful content is usually particularly relevant, entertaining, divisible, credible and inspiring for most companies, it is a challenge to create such content content is PR-gateway: How to find company content that really interest your target groups? Prof. Dr. Michael Baird: every company should decide what content it can generate to pass on useful information and valuable knowledge of the own target groups.