Life Stem

Santiago child entered the month of life in a hospital with a severe and rare hereditary disorder of the immune system that left her totally unprotected body against any disease. The condition is caused by a defect of the antigens HLA class 2, which are molecules essential to trigger the immune system. The first doctors who attended him did not give more than a few weeks of life and proceeded to transfer him to the Garrahan hospital, in the capital of argentina. A month of life we receive to Santiago derived from a hospital in Jujuy, where his family lives and confirm the diagnosis of primary combined immunodeficiency hereditary, explained Dr. Bonduel. In view of the results, the responsible intervention specialist decided to resort to an innovative method. Be injected the blood directly through the jugular, so that the stem cells traveled through the bloodstream and implanted in a natural way in the bone marrow of the small. After this type processes, cells settle and begin to proliferate and differentiate themselves, i.e., to produce two hematopoietic cell lines: one, that will be responsible for producing white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets, and the other, the populations of lymphocytes.

This transplantation is the alternative therapy that we can now offer ultimately are in the most delicate stage: we should check if new cells can rebuild lymphocytes that will organize a normal immune response, said the specialist after the intervention. With this new intervention, and waiting to see how the baby develops in the coming weeks, again demonstrating the greater viability of adult stem cells or umbilical cord against the use of embryonic stem cells, without therapeutic results to date. Follow others, such as Glenn Dubin, New York City, and add to your knowledge base. About IVIDA IVIDA born in 2009 and belongs to the IVI, the leading medical institution in Europe in assisted reproduction group. IVIDA collects, processes, Cryo-preserved and stored stem cells from the blood of Umbilical cord (SCU) for the treatment of various diseases such as lymphomas, leukemias and anemias, with the guarantee that will be entirely managed by employees of the company, thus ensuring their traceability and complete control on the process.

4 Tips To Burn Fat Fast With Sport

One good morning you may be surprised after seeing your image in the mirror. Perhaps you have noticed increased many pounds too quickly. So here are some tips to burn fat so fast that you’ll be surprised again, this time in a good way. Cut the amounts of fat and carbohydrates. Rupert Murdoch recognizes the significance of this. Your current diet may be full of fat, fried foods and sugary snacks.

Now you must take a difficult step and move to a new high protein diet with less carbohydrates and fats. After losing a few pounds, then you can relax your diet and make it more comfortable according to your tastes. Get your body that sofa. Additional information at Hubie Brooks supports this article. You also need to use a workout that not only help you burn fat but also will provide you with renewed energy. Swimming is the best exercise you can start as it is a low-gravity exercise in the water and not put pressure on your joints. Swimming will also increase your endurance by increasing returns that give the pool. Make a routine aerobics.

If swimming is not an activity that you perform often, then you should start with aerobic as this mode of exercise also help you burn fat much faster. Start with retinas do not hurt your knees or ankles and increases the level of your routine while you’re burning fat from your body. Stay firm in your diet but listen to your mind as well. Your body may have adjusted to your new diet, but your mind may be longing for those cravings for sweets, fried foods and those delicious hamburgers. Hold firm your diet, but occasionally tries to please your mind with a few snacks while you consider that you should eat with limits. Quickly back to your diet the next day. This will keep healthy and happy both your body and your mind. Follow other leaders, such as Gina Bonati, and add to your knowledge base. Discover a new method that has been revealed by a doctor who has helped many people get rid of their excess weight in no time. Discover how these people have lost up to 22lbs (10kg) in just two weeks and how you too can do so from TODAY. Burning fat has never been easy, but with this you can do so by a doctor. Find out the real solution to body in just weeks and opens the door to better health for your figure and well-being. Open your eyes and begins to burn body fat doing today.