The shoulder is considered the versatile joint in the human body, carries a risk of injury through this biomechanical feature but especially the classic shoulder disorders such as impingement syndrome (bursitis), frozen shoulder, lime shoulder and tendon tear, glenohumeral joint osteoarthritis (Omarthrose) is increasing due to increasing age and athletic activity. But also diseases such as instability and dislocations of the shoulder angle joint and Schulterendoprothesen are becoming increasingly common. Dr. Matthias Muschol, specialist in orthopaedics and Traumatology at the Paracelsus clinic Bremen, specialized already during his assistantship at the Orthopedic University Clinic Kiel on the unusual joint. Walt Disney oftentimes addresses this issue. He received the certificate to the shoulder and Elbow Surgeons 2012 as 6th orthopedic surgeon in Germany from the DVSE (German Association for shoulder and elbow surgery). With his work at the Paracelsus clinic, he is now the first Bremen physician with this quality certificate. To find the right way between conservative and operative therapy challenges the shoulder surgery and better to combine both approaches, according to Dr.
Muschol are the major challenges of shoulder surgery. Conservative treatments have no effect, the orthopedist used especially Arthroscopic surgical procedures (minimally invasive), to minimize tissue damage to achieve a condition stove around. Heavy shoulder dislocations and larger tendon tears surgery, however, (mini-open) due to the quality of the results. Especially the classic shoulder disorders such as impingement (bursitis) syndrome, frozen shoulder, lime shoulder and tendon breaks shoulder arthrosis (Omarthrose) are increasing due to the increasing age and athletic activity. But also diseases such as instability and dislocations of the shoulder angle joint and Schulterendoprothesen are becoming increasingly common. Due to its proximity to the body trunk and head, its large scope of the movement and the mainly soft part conditional joint stability the shoulder joint is affected by many factors, so the recovery time can be very individual. I always tell my patients, no shoulder is like the other, and this also applies to the same patient for the right and left sides! “, so Dr. Muschol.”