The world is turned upside down when a toothless, a poor Earth is some kind of liberating knowledge and demand. No more exploitation, no more mockery, enough! End of the world, wow, that has its owner! In this sense, as you know, today in Latin American countries have opened a little eye to the secular powers that be, such as Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and other, countries are classified as subversive, dangerous terrorists, freedoms, repressive, almost no future. Matter of logic if we consider for a moment his achievements in the eradication of illiteracy, social conscience and historical evaluation. All things I never like the priests of the story. Demonic countries where the rich man begins to lose their businesses, their slaves and their former position and full control; countries involved in horrid revolutions that carry with them the freedom, as when pulling a tablecloth from a table and gives the entire heap.
Yet this, today as yesterday was the oppressive system historically learned to play do: taking for granted the illustration itself and stupidity of others. Hence let us not be surprised so much abuse, abuse so much intelligence, so much media campaign illustrated so much absurdity, to say the least. You see them there with OAS (and her recipe for "democracy") with its SIP (and its prescription of "freedom"), with its NATO (and the recipe for war), with its UN (and its recipe peace), trying to make you remain the same stupid forever. You see there with their freedom, certifying worlds, the little word screaming their lungs, betting the past, refusing the future, that is change. You see, reveals, and even then are not ashamed. Well, friends, no gimmick is enough for us to remain stupid. Today, as before the last priests to embody boast the cream of the species, and they alone are the only worthy to remain wise, maximum or free.
The rest is peak and quarry. Mt. World world for some and for others. Freedoms specific freedoms. We said: for some dignity will grow, for example, the atomic knowledge, while for others the fear. One example among thousands and anyone. Thousand and one are the situations, but only one truth, and unveiled a long time, almost made popular (which does not prevent the continued existence of impudence and shamelessness to consider other idiots): Never will fit a man or people awareness of oppression in the game of "freedom" of those who canceled and fooled forever.