Within this framework, conducted sociological study to identify the problems of youth, organized by the Council’s interaction with the trade union committee of the University in order to express the interests of young scholars in the social sphere. An important focus of the Council is making analytical reports, memos showing the problems faced by young people for solutions that require decision making at the level of the university. One of the objectives of the Council of the INR – assistance in the publications of the young Scientists in national publications, and interdisciplinary integration of young scientists through the organization of scientific conferences. In order to improve the professional skills of the Council is holding a contest for the best scientific the work of young scientists. Three members of the Youth Council of Scientific Society of the Rostov State Medical University, many useful and good deeds. This is an organizational events, conferences students, young scientists and specialists participated in the regional, national and international scientific conferences. In 2007, Council members held the intra-and inter-chair contests for the best student’s scientific work, elimination round of student research papers to participate in the 61st Final Science Conference and many other activities.
Now under preparation for National Youth Forum, “My legislative initiative “to be held in late January. In February, plans to participate in the II-th International scientific conference of young scientists and physicians, in March – in the III-International Pirogov her student research medical conferences, etc. Those who choose to send their work to the conference, warned of this council INR, here you can learn about the requirements for the conferences. Thus, the Council’s work is aimed at creating an enabling environment for effective scientific work of young people in the Rostov State Medical University. Not so long ago opened a new official website of the Youth Research Society RostGMU:. This resource provides news of the Council of the INR, information on university, study groups, internal and vnevuzovskih conferences.
In addition, there is a wide range of information services for young scientists and those who thinks about his future and a good career. The site contains a description of upcoming scientific and technical activities, conferences, seminars, workshops, contests, forums, contests, workshops, etc. A major section is devoted to literature for the funds, sponsors, grants and scholarships. This resource can be sure not to miss anything important or interesting from the world of youth and science careers. It offers visitors to the site – forum, chat, guestbook book. Incidentally, for ads on this resource, as well as sponsorship can contact us by e-mail addresses: and info @ sno-rostgmu. Wherever he worked a doctor after graduating from university, his work is impossible without scientific analysis facts. Therefore, the debt of the Youth Research Society – to develop the desire to fruitful scientific research. As the years of experience, just from the ranks of young scientists subsequently formed faculty of our university. After graduating from the Rostov State Medical University, the most active Members of the circle are recommended to graduate school, the theoretical and clinical residency. That is why it is so important to work to attract INR growing number of scholars, students, interns, residents in the ranks of young scientists.