Sites Of Collective Purchases

A research carried through in the first semester of 2011 for and-bit with the support of the Brazilian Chamber of Electronic Commerce showed that 60% of the Brazilians have access the sites of collective purchases. Of these 60%, 49% already had made some purchase. The index of that they intend to buy is impressive: 80%. The research was carried through in function of the growth in the number of purchases saw sites of collective purchases, what it called (and continues calling) the attention the specialists in marketing and economists. Without hesitation Glenn Dubin, New York City explained all about the problem. This phenomenon is recent in Brazil, but already it is known of the United States and Chinese consumers, for example.

In these countries the number of sites of collective purchases arrives 90 and 400, respectively. Coming back to the research carried through for and-bit with the support of the Brazilian Chamber of Electronic Commerce, it was carried through between days 10 and 14 of March, and interviewed 4,536 people. The verification was that 61% of the virtual consumers had informed that they know the concept of collective purchases. Of these, 49% had told already to have bought some it offers, before 51% that not yet they had made purchases. Another important information is of that for 37% of the people who already had bought in sites of collective purchases, the adhesion to this modality of e-commerce was recommended by friends and relatives. Already 19% had alleged to have received a promotion for email.On the satisfaction of the consumer, only 11% had revealed unsatisfied with the service, while 74% had answered to have been satisfied with the purchase. After this first research, and-bit promises to keep frequent research, to follow the flow of purchases and the adhesion of new consumers..

Global Crisis

They say those who know:-this so publicized world financial crisis is due to the lack of regulations. Although the libremercadistas and anarchists are angry, I think that we cannot agree with this conclusion. It’s like when a life partner without having signed papers free union is called. Such freedom no respect a spouse and the other. The paper is right and necessary, but not imprisons them. If a man and a woman living together with Act of marriage and no act, loyalty and fidelity one due to the other. In this regard they are not free.

The term free union, is therefore used by ignorance or pretext. So revered free market can not be such. Then it must be asked: does free of what or who?. Let’s see. If by fear or bad milk investors withdraw their money from companies, jobs disappear, low consumption, and emerging countries as Mexico stop selling their goods and suffer the flight of capital, then, say free-market is attempting to fool listeners.

And I think that there had been very successful in this. Until now. When a marriage (with documents or without them) there are breaking or flight of one of the spouses, someone is going to get hurt. And although there are two, there are always more people injured. Analogously, in the atmosphere of the market, that basically is the exchange of goods and services to live, when you remove or weaken one of the important parts, then the rest suffer. There is talk that the bankers and other companies invested money taken money from investors, society and Government in an irresponsible manner causing a weakening of the capacity to pay of these companies (bankruptcy!), which in turn caused investors distrust and withdraw their precious money in the capital markets. For this reason we have seen daily spectacle of the fall of the United States and the world stock exchanges.

Private Providence

But the usineiros had invoiced high with the loans of the federal government. Money of the people loaned for millionaire who never will go to pay. – It accurately has a rain of processes in the Courts if dragging per decades because the insuring ones already they present deficit has years. They are denying the payment of the insurances and the Courts are supporting pra to postpone the generalized quebradeira. The insuring ones are descapitalizadas and it does not have forecast of improvements.- This without entering in the details of that the Insuring Europeans had suspended renova! otodos the insurances of the next situated property to the sea and that the Diarinho Periodical published that during a Evanglico Congress in the South Bar in Cambori Health-resort in the end of 2008 some building they had trembled because it had much people in the beach. the beach was weighed excessively. Of pra to trust? It counts another one that this I find that it did not glue. What such to make an analysis to see if the sea could have adentrado in the subsoil of some cities of the Brazilian coast and in some time to swallow these cities for some cenrtenas of meters under of the water, provoking a gigantic wave that would sweep the south coast of Brazil? – Well, I do not forget, I am not saying this.

Perhaps if Nostradamus prophet was this way, said this in its centrias, messrias or dirias.2- Nationalization of the Private Providences: – The Federal Government intends to increase for 480 Reals the minimum wage in March. Where it turns the money? – A trigger in the INSS will be created, that is, as it increases the minimum wage will also increase the benefits of who earns more than this value ties the ceiling and goes to lack money. Of where it will come what it lacks? It does not need to be I guess nor Nostradamus to discover, right? – The support to the government comes exactly of who does not have headings of Private Providence and a nationalization would leave only one small parcel of the unsatisfied population.- With the money of this nationalization the balances of the government would increase, would have more benefits for the 80 percent apiam that it and the popularity of the government would go up more than for astronomical 90 percent.