Feminine participation in the Market of Work in Moambique the World-wide Context When in day 08 of March of 1857 laborers of a fabric plant of New Iorque, better conditions of work had made a great strike demanding, such as, reduction in the daily load of 16 for 10 hours and treatment condigno inside of the work environment, the 130 tecels that they had died carbonized in this plant, never could imagine that pioneers of a world movement would become around that would make possible the other women to accede to the masculine spaces long ago considered, compelling to a reconfiguration of the traditional papers that for thousand of years she had characterized males and females ofthe species human being. The new social division of the work have-of, of among others factors, to have been influenced for the industrial revolution that had its origin in England in middle of century XVIII and was become enlarged for the world from century XIX.
During this period agriculture was surpassed yielding space to the industrial development, favored for the technological development. Above all, the industrial revolution brought obtains a new economic system, the capitalism, inaugurating a new relation between the capital and the work. In century XIX and at the beginning of century XX, the countries that if they industrialized demanded intense man power, absorbing in its rows children and women who had the advantage of to be man power not specialized and therefore cheap or almost enslaved. Has consensus then, of that it was in the seio of the industrial revolution and the capitalism that appeared gnese for the emancipation or liberalization of the women when removing them of the domesticidade space and inseriz them in the public space, in the laboring context. It is clearly that this is an illation that must all be made with the care therefore, for the socialist feminists, even so the capitalism has removed the women of the public sphere, did not liberalize them therefore the women had continued to play in these great industries the same traditional roles in days of 12 and 14 hours weekly, in terrible conditions of work and gaining one tero of the wages exactly when they exerted the same work that the men.