Certain time I heard the commentary of a woman regarding a youngster which compared it to it with a shrimp. Called it ‘ ‘ man camaro’ ‘ because for it the body of the individual was only used to advantage. As this woman the youngster was endowed with body well, but its mentality was not of the best ones. How much to the analogy with the crustaceans it is because in its preparation generally the head of the animal is rejected and is consumed only the body. In our society it has much time if one is observed numbers each more increasing time of young that frequents clinics of aesthetic and academies in the search of the body that they judge to be perfect. I number to put it of that they frequent theaters, museums and excessively ambient favorable to cultural reinforcement it does not increase in such a way thus. To prepare and to take care of well of the body are important, mainly because it is there the habitat of our mind.
But to exercise our mind also is basic because it is who must govern our body well. Although our education in the current times has a much more commercial characteristic and of ‘ ‘ to help government to win next eleio’ ‘ (BAUMAN, 2009, p 40) we must use to advantage it exactly thus. Therefore it is what we have and we have also the responsibility to perfect such knowledge to become it in our lives better. Curiously the Greeks of century IV a.C in special Scrates taught its knowledge in gymnasia of Atenas where the sports of the time were practised. Where the men exercised its bodies. ‘ ‘ A gymnastics appeared thus of the thought that soon had as many partisans and admirers as of the body ‘ ‘ (JAEGER, 2003, p 523).
We need to show ‘ ‘ men camaro’ ‘ that ‘ ‘ a conscientious education can until changing the physical nature of the man and its qualities, raising to it capacity to a level superior’ ‘ (JAEGER, 2003, p 3). ‘ ‘ rtulo’ ‘ of ‘ ‘ man camaro’ ‘ one high type of man, conscientious and responsible must disappear of our society to come tona of its acts. One that it possesss culture, a good education and mainly to be compromised to the future of the race human being.