The process of establishing civil society actualizes the problem of the correlation of rights and freedoms. Social guarantees are considered a full human existence today as a prerequisite positive social development. This explains the attention of the psychological-pedagogical science to the problem of childhood and the issues related to social and legal protection of children. This is the relevance of course work. The problem of child rights and their protection, care about his life, development, education and upbringing of today become human, planetary. However, the situation of children in our country at the beginning of the XXI century is still alarming. Learn more on the subject from Hubie Brooks. Social deprivation, ie, failure, lack or absence of certain conditions, material resources for child survival and development, the current education system, educational opportunities their parents, state Health characterize the situation of children. An increasing number of children – victims of violence, abused by parents, educators, deteriorating health of children, their nutrition, rest.
This is determined by many factors: environmental, economic, social, demographic crisis, which together increase the number of children with physical, mental and intellectual development. The problem of protecting rights children, care about their lives, development, education and education is one of the pressing problems of society. This is evidenced by a number of international documents: "Declaration of the Rights of the Child" (1959), "International Covenant on Economic, Social and "(1960)," Convention on the Rights of the Child "(1989), and other questions of enhancing the individual as a subject of social self-defense, including every individual, children's groups and organizations in active socially meaningful activities in the education of the child a sense of national districts, cities, societies devoted to the study of NP Anikeeva, JK Vasilieva, GV Vinnikova, AO Zosima and others enough coverage in scientific literature are the issues of social policy on child protection (GP Smirnova, VG Arsenov, Y. Larin), the interaction between family and extramural institutions to protect the rights of childhood (PG Doronova). Now it is very urgent face the problem of employment of children after school. Uncommon to see teenagers in the doorways of houses or on the streets, "killed" his spare time by smoking, alcohol consumption, and even drug use. In many ways this is because children are unnaturally busy little socially important activities, poorly organized their leisure time, drastically reduced material, technological and spiritual benefits that traditionally belonged to the childhood and should belong to him.