Third Age

The population of our country ages quickly due essentially to the reduction of the natality and the progressive increase of the life expectancy. Also it influences in this demographic evolution the shortening of the labor life, with anticipated retirements. One third age exists, formed by physically independent majors psychological and; but we can even speak of one fourth age if we tried to differentiate the inactive deans of whom no longer they are it, becoming thus a parcel of socio-educational intervention privileged person, from the professional point of view: integration, update, advantage of the free time, physical maintenance, education for the health, domiciliary, dietetic attention, mental health, sociocultural animation. From initiatives public (Ministry, Councils, City councils,) and deprived (the social Critas, Red Cross, residences, works, associations, clubs, classrooms of third age, companies. ) programs are being developed of animation and socio-educational attention that need entertainers able to lend major socio-educational attention to this population sector. The European policies of attention to the majors show an increasing interest by the advantage of the free time like relaxation opportunity, since a new period of personal development can be initiated. For that reason industries of the leisure (bath, clinical, hotels, trips have arisen. ) that not always is economic or that does not respond to the true daily needs of the majors.

The social and cultural animation of the people majors must make possible the personal development and serve as platform of expression and communication, insisting on the psychological support, the personal interviews, the social gatherings, the physical exercise, the creativity. in a cosy climate and trying that is these people the protagonists in all the activities, from their organization, implication and participation. The Sociocultural Entertainer with People Majors will have to know typical of the third age so that it can apply his knowledge, as well as the context in which it is going to develop his work, trying to know: – The evolution, course and perspective of gerontology, – the myths that the society generates with respect to the people majors and the autopercepcin that have on the basis of that the majors, – the institutional objectives that at present persecute with respect to the people majors, – biological, physical, mental, affective and social the changes that take place in the process to age, – the factors that influence in the quality of life of the people majors, – the psychological aspects of the people majors concerning anxiety, depression and sexuality, – the necessary profession of the sociocultural entertainer, abilities and tools for the intervention, and its application in people majors; – the objectives of the sociocultural animation and the principles that govern the groups, – the types of techniques to work with groups and their elaboration step by step; – the types and characteristics of the sociocultural entertainer. . synthasite. it is

Medical Devices

Each of us comes a time when we begin to think about their own health and the health of loved ones. It seems there is nothing terrible, but already have the first urge. Currently, the majority of Russians live in the complex economic conditions that going to pay the medical establishment provides a certain inconvenience, and radiation quality is decent money. Also now you no one can guarantee acquired drug would have the money written on the packaging. Literate people understand that drugs have their own adverse effects, and adverse factors. Obtained as in folk wisdom – one treat, and the other cripple. To such situations did not arise, scientists have developed medical devices that can help with health problems without the use of medicinal sredstv.Sovremenny technological level these devices allows the use of more advanced methods of rehabilitation and treatment of the body. For most of us have become familiar home medical equipment.

Specialized machines and laser therapy magnetic therapy, ultrasonic inhalers, etc. Now available to everyone and anyone can buy them for home use. More than 10 years in Russia can buy medical products for home use: inhalers air purifiers, massage, laser devices, ultraviolet lamps, etc. Most of the instruments are publicly available and are sold without any special recipes for home use. The use of these medical devices in some cases helps to replace the treatment medication. Their assistance is invaluable in a variety of situations, and ease of use allows people to enjoy them very different vozrasta.Sovremenny market medical equipment is very large and interesting information, on any device is not difficult to find.

Meridian Energy

There are a large number of alternative healing methods. What are advantages and disadvantages the? Health remains one of the most important criteria for quality of life. Physical and mental health are the most important factor in life, for most people especially with increasing age. Conventional medicine must be measured in long offers various alternative healing. There are a growing number of people who have become tired of the classic apparatus orthodox medicine and alternative healing methods.

Here, there are a range of different facilities and methods. The phytotherapy works for example with real plant active ingredients. There are now on… an overview of the most popular natural remedies. The overview was created by PATRIC wait physiotherapist. In particular, including acupressure, aura massage, bioresonance therapy, Bach flower therapy, Meridian Energy, Reiki, homeopathy, Kinesiology, or osteopathy are illuminated closer. The aim is the users in the growing jungle of alternative healing concepts to help to keep track and to reduce the risk to turn to charlatans. Often, promise of Salvation are delivered, which afterwards prove misleading.

Especially when ominous cosmic powers “in the game, if so will enter the field of spiritual healing, highest caution is displayed. “” Always so if it comes to power “vibrations” goes, or if parts of the body or medicines be stabilized from or tested in any other way, you should keep their hands of them consistently. Because unfortunately, insidiously into the health sector also the esoteric and often offers people a last straw. But the price has been high, not only financially, also offers more than good damage. In the article on, hence serious alternatives are called. Eckart Haase

Cologne Administrative Court

Dispute about products on the basis of the \”Graubehaarten Rock\”-medicinal product or medical device recently another judgment to the exciting demarcation of pharmaceuticals to medical devices fell. In this case, the Cologne Administrative Court ruled on the classification of two products that are intended to protect against colds and flu. These consist essentially of an extract of the plant Cistus Incanus, the \”Graubehaarten Rock\”, a 30-100 cm high shrub of the Mediterranean. The manufacturer of the products is of the opinion, we are dealing with the preparations to medical devices. This Liege on the one on the only physical operation of the products, on the other hand on the product presentation and marketing. The defendant monitoring authority and the Federal Institute for drugs and medical devices (BfArM) argued, however, that it was due to the pharmacological effects of products regulated medicines.

The Administrative Court of Cologne has attached itself to the opinion of the authorities and the products as medicines classified. Unlike the parties mainly arguing with a physiological/pharmacological effects, the court essentially turns off, that the products to cure, alleviation or prevention of human diseases or pathological symptoms are intended and thus in 2 medicines Act (AMG) anchored the first alternative the definition of medicinal product of the so-called medicinal product presentation meet, namely. Then drugs are \”substances or preparations from materials, to the application in the or are intended on the human or animal body and are intended as having properties to cure or relief or for the prevention of human or animal diseases or pathological symptoms\”. The Court granted looks at these conditions. According to leaflets and packaging of the products this is among other things a preventive as well as accompanying effect of treatment for colds, viral diseases and inflammatory conditions in the mouth and throat. Thus, the products are undoubtedly as a means for preventing and treatment of diseases.