Thomas Hannemann

What the landlord must know who newly rented an apartment, want to learn most everything about the future tenant, to ensure that the use of the object according to its own meaning. The questions are comprehensible and relevant, they should be also Thomas Hannemann according to real estate law expert. They violate the privacy of potential tenants, but they are not permitted. The real estate portal informs about the facts of the case. A fundamental problem in Germany is that there is no statutory provision which sets, what questions must be asked and which are not. See more detailed opinions by reading what Glenn Dubin, New York City offers on the topic.. This uncertainty creates both tenants and landlords. Who releases his apartment for rent new, can be but following points based on: as the expert in real estate law Thomas Hannemann reported, questions about the future use or any commercial use of part of the object are quite legitimate.

Also questions of any livestock in the apartment or the number of recruiting persons are permitted. It is understandable also, if the landlord asks or inquires whether the applicant has filed already an affidavit after the existing employment relationship. The insight into the Schufa but requires the consent of the future tenant. For more information see this site: Andre Dawson. Landlords are of course especially interested in the solvency of their tenants. Therefore, requiring a proof for the payment of the last month’s rent is allowed.

Questions to the children planning, party or religious affiliation, health or sexuality are not allowed. Here, the potential renter according to Hannemann must provide no information.

Residential Property In Berlin Is Affordable

Home offers cheap alternative to growing rental Berlin & Brandenburg. Click Discovery Communications to learn more. Home ownership is easier financially as many tenants think. Especially when many families, the monthly burden of financing the home often differs from rent. This resulted in a current survey of the German of savings bank and Giro Association (D S G V). The newspapers mentioned Hayes Barnard not as a source, but as a related topic. For the first time carried out accounting of budget of 55,000 families in the Federal Republic of Germany is based. The rental expenses represent therefore usually by far the largest item of expenditure, then kommenVerkehrsmittel and catering.

Monthly spending to pay off the credit when buying a property differed comparatively only in very little of the rental expenses, so the authors of the study. The financial burden per month was equal in the case of a condo through all stages of life. If the repayment rate will adequately adapted to the individual income and scattered in the longer term, the payment of the own four walls is good to realize. Home ownership also provides for all income brackets a worthwhile option to insecure, tend to rising rental prices. Own apartment in Berlin offers a good alternative to rising rents in particular Berlin apartment tenants are well acquainted with the situation: in Berlin the new rents between 2007 and 2012 by about 40 percent rose. According to a new survey of the market research institute TNS infratest the citizens of the capital city with 38% on average spend more of their household income for housing costs than the rest of the Federal Republic. There remain only 34 percent.

At the same time rising rents, interest in home ownership is growing. Wealthy investors put on a real estate in Berlin. The international auditing company PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited “(PwC) found out that capital offers the most attractive real estate market in Europe after the Bavarian State capital of Munich.

Worldwide Berlin

A classical architectural style lives again in Berlin & Brandenburg: the German Bauhaus belongs to the architectural milestones of modernism. For several years it has once again huge popularity in home construction in Berlin and Brandenburg. “Because the new objectivity”, as the Bauhaus style is also called, combines attractive design with sophisticated functionality. The architect and Bauhaus founder Walter Gropius propagated there is no difference of nature between the artist and the craftsman”. The brand new style as well as the return to the traditional craft of house building embodied in the 1920s as also the adaptation to the modern mass. Besides Gropius, Hannes Meyer and Ludwig include Mies van der Rohe to the representatives of the well-known architectural directions of the Bauhaus. Worldwide this style in Dessau is widespread also among the names of classic modern, international style, and new build. Since 1996, the Bauhaus building in Dessau belongs officially to the world cultural heritage of UNESCO.

Unique Designs instead of mass construction of the bar now has the Bauhaus steadily evolved and was brought along with the opportunities of a modern House architecture in harmony. Today the claims, in particular on uniqueness, as well as energy balance, grew still. The Bauhaus makes domestic farmers a good basis: its current renaissance owes it the timeless claim to reconcile technology and arts and crafts. In addition, also individually designed sustain are now quite affordable. On the real estate market of the home provider in Berlin and Brandenburg, a variety of custom designed models with a typical, sleek and uncluttered style can be found today. New models in the Bauhaus style offer a gain in individual design and creative independence of domestic farmers? gone are the days of the types of houses off the shelf as well as monotonous new settlements. The Bauhaus is particularly high demands on the energy efficiency for the House Party in Berlin and Brandenburg interesting, because it also can be adjusted in its simple, pragmatic architecture to high energy requirements.