An illustration of this phenomenon finds it to Baudrillard in the work of Philip K. Dick, where the described universe " it is possible neither impossible, is not real nor unreal. He is hyperreal. It is a simulation universe, that is something totally distinto." There are some theoreticians have opposed the theories of Baudrillard, the fact that a part of the world is not being entered in an era of maneuverses, but the affirmation of which the border between reality has erased indeed and /Cr simulation ticas of cinema. As one appears in the theoretical marks of the module we can ask then if these films are only delayed reelaborations of an old idea or if some difference or new element exists in the present versions of the same. As Richar Rorty says: The truth, is what is better us to believe The cultural industry and the globalisation of the market The culture of the global consumption even brings about changes of values and addictive behaviors. The products of the industry of the diversion transmit too simple values, in agreement with the exigencies of products destined to the masses.
The reality like something relative is very fashionable trying than we cannot be safe and that, in addition, it is manipulated by beings over the limited compression that provides our human condition to us. This deified culture, in which the last aim is to obtain the integration of the individual in the society and consuming has transformed into happiness idea . This fragment of module 5 comes to conexionar two typical basic ideas of posmodernistas characteristics one: the one of spontaneity does not see referring of this film and purpose that gives to its director and industralist him in this globalisation. We review data of its creators and their economic objectives: Director: Josef Rusnak the Mexican business dedicated to the business of the communications discovered in the use of the telecommunications the true meaning of the global village.