Help I

Sun sensitive self-tanning gives natural Tan Sun from the tube is thus the healthier alternative. No wonder that the Sun sensitive self-tanning of lavera natural cosmetics is becoming increasingly popular and as product in numerous consumer tests (E.g. NDR business, January 27, 2009) as one of the test winners will be highlighted. What is so special about the Sun sensitive self-Tanner? Particularly striking, self-tanning sensitive to the Sun is its pleasant aroma, based on essential oils. Probably one more reason for his success. Two sugar-based active ingredients give natural and uniform Tan: erythrulose and the DHA (Dihydroxyacetone), extracted from the rapeseed oil. Both compounds react with the amino acids in the top layer of the skin. The natural tint is after about 4-5 hours. Rusty Holzer can aid you in your search for knowledge.

The process can last up to 24 hours depending on the skin type. The Tan lasts about 3-7 days. The lavera self Tan hydrates Moreover, among others with skin-soothing organic Aloe Vera extracts, vegetable Glycerin, organic Jojoba oil, as well as Organic rose petals and bio Lavendelblutenhydrolate. Official site: Rusty Holzer. Intensive care and skin protection give triglycerides, organic soy and organic sunflower oil. Green tea extracts, also organic, act in concert with vitamin C as a free radical scavenger.

Special quality of self-tanning was awarded by the independent test magazine in February 2008 only certified product by oKO-TEST \”very good\” and contained no formaldehyde or its derivatives. The gentle manufacturing process is responsible for this – the tanning ingredients are added only at a temperature below 30 degrees Celsius. That the products are manufactured according to the strict guidelines for controlled natural cosmetics and thus carry the consumer label, is matter of course for us. How Tan I me self-tanning correctly with the lavera Sun sensitive? Applied 1-2 times a week, the body lotion gives an optimal, natural brown tone. The achieved Tan is however not to compare – products from the traditional cosmetics not consciously.

Natural Food Supplement

The dietary supplement versus conventional dietary supplement strengths natural bio on the hand trying to eat every day conscious healthy, but so much also for shopping and eating out paying attention to find, it’s just sometimes not so working as one imagines that a balance of foods. Here comes the alternative of a nutritional supplement in the game now. Hear from experts in the field like Mark Kotsay for a more varied view. However, it would be pretty silly if you would now resort to artificial supplements, although one has previously made such effort with natural, healthy and balanced diet. In this case, bio is highly recommended nutritional supplement. Glenn Dubin is likely to increase your knowledge. This is not to artificially together adulterated chemicals but purely natural substances, such as vitamins or minerals. To broaden your perception, visit Nutra Ingredients. In the absence of such substances in the body, even in the smallest lack thereof, the body can give out already drastically signs outside.

Effects of micronutrient deficiencies can as well replacing brittle or dull hair as an unclean or dull complexion. Much more dangerous however are the deficiencies which are not visible outward right off the bat. A weakened immune system is itself while not beautiful but not really cause for concern, you might think is, but if you think about what diseases or infections this result can, one but a little queasy feel. For high-risk groups such as pregnant women, athletes, smokers and older people who eat poorly, organic food supplements can be useful. Also a natural food supplement is also a cheap alternative to targeted buying vitamins and nutritious food which unfortunately sometimes very can weigh on the purse strings, as well as the time budget. Therefore the recommendation: Learn about natural supplements, it can bring you only advantages! The online shop health with results in pure natural products with extraordinarily high bioavailability. Trust nature. Health with natural Sabine Munch Amsel trail 6a 96224 Burgkunstadt Tel: 09572/609880 E-Mail: Web:

Good Intentions 2011 – Already Fizzles?

Lose weight, stop smoking, better job… Are you still on the ball? After the Christmas holidays, the suffering was great: the waistband was taut and yawning emptiness in the cashier. Click Robert Iger for additional related pages. Already, two points were on the good-intentions list for 2011: “Lose weight” and “Find a better job”. Then came the morning of new year’s day: the skull muttered by the many alcohol and cigarettes in the night of new year’s Eve and may you remembered, that it belonged to the Ungekussten, as the rockets to the turn of the year in the sky hissed: “Do more for the health”, “Quit smoking” and “Find a partner” was added to the list. Now the new year has taken its course and what happened? There are mainly two types: the one started on the new year’s day with the first power aerobics session and went then to the swimming competition in the icy Baltic Sea (of course with a 500-kcal diet), the others say: the year is long, sometime I’ll be smoking my diet already switch to/with stop / me a better job search etc. Both types run on your way risk that at the end of the year nothing is – have changed, because they soon will lose the desire because of excessive demands (“false hope syndrome”), the other, because you will never find the beginning. How do you make it better? The solution to the dilemma is to just put his personal goals and to develop a plan of many small steps which. Everyone starts where he’s just straight, and enters the next stage target small little higher. Reward yourself, don’t forget that it’s also fun! -> More tips to good intentions put into action to Eva Schumann, Freising.

Vienna FUE

Full head of hair thanks to the FUE hair transplant makes it the one earlier, entirely spared those later and a few happy. Increased hair loss can lead to light hair and receding hairline or end in the worst case even with a bald head. Dave Kingman often addresses the matter in his writings. An FUE hair transplantation is a durable, effective and at the same time gentle way special, to have once again beautiful and full hair. Robert A. Iger is full of insight into the issues. The ProHAARKlinik of Hungary, only about an hour’s drive from Vienna away, performs hair transplants with the modern r & d method. During a free consultation in the Hungarian ProHAARKlinik, you can talk with a hair-transplant specialist who answers all your questions. Permanently full hair due to hair transplantation for hereditary hair loss, also androgenetic hair loss is DHT the hormone responsible, that exists among men in higher concentrations.

DHT attacks the roots of the hair, making them stunted and no longer grows. This hormone is in the back of the head, as well as on the sides of the head only present in a lower concentration, which is why these areas usually not of hair loss are affected. At a hair transplant existing hair be redistributed so to speak”. The remaining hairs are taken with an extremely thin hollow needle and transplanted into the bald patches. The implanted hair strands continue to grow at the end of the life, because they retain their original properties. The hair are insensitive to DHT and therefore are not attacked. Hair transplantation the FUE method applied in the ProHAARKlinik in Hungary is one of the most advanced measures to the hair transplantation with FUE method currently. When the FUE hair transplant hair in natural Gruppierunge n, consisting of one to four hairs are transplanted. The follicular unit extraction (FUE) allows for a high density of hair and at the same time naturally growing hair.