Add a description for the item of Son many elements you have to take into account when assembling industrial kitchen. Catering facilities are very important since each of the utensils that you use to carry out meals need care and use specific, why all that we use from pots and pans in teflon to wooden cutlery can be a source of bacteria. Why food security depends not only on the food we use if not that often depend on the materials we put in contact with food, such as stainless steel, teflon, glass, aluminum, clay or silica, which can become the main factor for the creation of numerous germs that may deteriorate the food and causeIf used wrong repeatedly in a risk to health. We must use extreme caution since stainless steel can release heavy metals such as nickel and cadmium, teflon non-stick properties have a toxic component. More info: Comcast. Other utensils very used they are the wood and that we need to know that by their status as porous nature and the presence of cracks it is very easy that they accumulate food debris and moisture, they can generate foci of bacteria. They also recommended to never wash these instruments in the dishwasher since the heat accelerates its deterioration.
In the case of mud pans recommended be careful if they are glazed because varnish can contain heavy metals. Therefore compared the use of teflon, aluminum or wood utensils experts recommend using glass, which do any kind of reaction in the kitchen, neither corrode nor of oxidized and becomes one of the most suitable sites for storing food. It also has more benefits as it does not retain odors, it is non-stick, it serves for microwave, oven and freezer since it resists temperatures ranging from 60 C. up to 250 C. Also when it comes to cleaning it is the material that disinfected so that all this is synthetic material more recomendado.